Jeff Morgan

Jeff Morgan

CEO - Industrial Logic Canada

Session Title

Continuous Delivery for the Enterprise


Many organizations ask for continuous delivery and yet, it is one of the most misunderstood concepts in our industry. Companies that haven’t experienced it yet see risk and disruption. Companies that have already invested in implementing it are looking for ways to get there faster. All the while, so much learning has taken place in the industry on what it is and how to get there. Our thoughts have evolved from the core meaning of it all the way to how to implement it in the different layers of an organization. If you see it as a tech-only problem, you are missing many pieces of the puzzle.


Jeff “Cheezy” Morgan has been teaching classes and coaching teams on agile and lean techniques since early 2004. Most of his work has focused on the engineering practices used by developers and testers. For the past few years, he has experienced great success and recognition for his work in the area of Continuous Delivery.

He is based out of Toronto and focused on bringing Industrial Logic’s passion for technical excellence, modern agile, and lean product management to the Canadian market. He is the author of Cucumber and Cheese, A Testers Workshop.